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Layer: PLSSQuarterSections_GCDB (ID: 13)

Parent Layer: 10

Name: PLSSQuarterSections_GCDB

Display Field: PLSSID

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: PLSSQuarterSections_GCDB is the third level of a hierarchical break down of the Public Land Survey System Rectangular surveys. This data is Version 1.2 of the Utah GCDB. This data set represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System. Updates are expected annually as horizontal control positions from published sources and global positioning system (GPS) observations are added. The primary source for the data is cadastral survey records housed by the BLM supplemented with local records and geographic control coordinates from states, counties as well as other federal agencies such as the USGS and USFS. This data was orginally published on 8/1/2013.

Copyright Text: Utah BLM, Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC),Utah Counties, Premier Data Services

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 1000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Effective Min Scale: 18060

Effective Max Scale: 12500

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: true

Can Modify Layer: false

Can Scale Symbols: false

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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